The Radiating Revelation of God through People: 1. Patriarchs

After God's radiating revelation in and through Creation, the next consecutive circle of God’s radiating formative revelation comes through his chosen spokespersons to his covenant people, recorded in the Scriptures. Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads (Rev. 4:4 NIV).

After God spoke the world into being, he spoke to and through his chosen spokespersons. This may be the symbolism of the twenty-four elders. The Word of God was first spoken to and then through his chosen spokespersons, bringing clarity to the vague natural revelation of creation. It can be demonstrated that this “special revelation” in history came to and through six primary kinds of “witnesses.” These six formative witnesses were patriarchs, a lawgiver, judges, prophets, wise ones, and apostles. Their testimony was recorded in the written Word of God (the Bible). Each of these types of “preachers” led God’s covenant people by first listening to the content of God’s Word themselves, understanding it, and then declaring it to their contemporary generation in their language, culture, and history.

God first formed and spoke directly to and through the patriarchs. He walked in the garden with Adam (Gen. 3:8). He conversed with Noah and Abraham (Gen. 6:13, 12:1). He treated these men and their families with distinction. He uniquely interacted with them, establishing and defining his covenant with them and their lineage. God initiated, through his active speech (his Word), revealing to and through these consecrated men (and their families) his specific will and character. They were called into covenant with God and then called to be the leading figures of humanity, as mediators between man and God. It can be argued that their primary role was to listen to God’s Word and to help others pay attention to him. Through them, God formed a people for himself.